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The Economic Development Commission held a regular meeting on Tuesday, April 17, 2012, in meeting room 3 at the Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT 06470.
The meeting was called to order by Co - Chair Margaret Oliger at
PRESENT: Co – Chair Donald Sharpe, Co – Chair Margaret Oliger, Vice – Chair Walter Motyka, Martin Gersten, Joseph Humeston
Absent: Joseph Tarshis, Elana Bertram, Jean Leonard, Thomas Murtha
Also Present: Planning & Zoning Commission and Linda reporting for The Voices
Public Participation: NA
Acceptance of Minutes: Upon motion of Martin Gersten, the minutes of March 20, 2012, seconded by Don Sharpe and unanimously accepted as presented.  
Public Participation and invited Guests:
Members of Planning & Zoning Commission: Invited the Planning & Zoning Commission to sit in on discussion tonight regarding the POCD. The idea is to bring the Planning & Zoning Commission together with the EDC to see what can be worked on together. Clarity was needed on the discussion regarding the sewer study in the Hawleyville of town.  Mr. Sharp stated that the EDC needs to discuss and review the results found in the study to determine the response because the deadline is June 4, 2012 for the Board of Selectman. The 100 acres that is zoned M-2 on the corner of route 6 the EDC has discussed and left open a change from M-2 to an A. Planning & Zoning never planned on changing area from an M-2 to an A because the high level of retail was never desired.  The area was changed at one point to allow a company to build corporate head courters, a hotel and other things but nothing ever became of it as well as other companies that inquired. The issue that was always brought up was the sewers and how it was going to be straightened out.  Commission is and has been working on being able to at least present to the water and sewer authority in terms of cost and cost analysis to the selectman and then they will make final decision. It has been determined the main issue is who is paying for the sewer cost, and how they are going to be installed. Mr. Sharpe suggested a position paper be drawn up and reviewed before going to Selectman. Planning & Zoning has been open to promoting economic development in areas that have traditionally been strictly residential. Planning & Zoning was open to suggestions from the EDC on how to further promote economic development.
Walter Motyka brought up the last review and that recommendations were made, and where is that in relationship to what P&Z is doing. Are they going to revise the permitted uses or change them? P&Z stated that they have reviewed the recommendations and have revised many of the permitted uses. Mr. Motyka brought up the study conducted about FFH, and was wondering if it is being incorporated in revising the master plan. Mr. Motyka was questioning whether all the recommendations have been reviewed and taken into consideration as far as the needs and wants of the towns’ people. No changes have been made to the master plan as far as P&Z goes regarding the study conducted. The existing FFH master plan mainly permits primary reuse of the buildings and within the master plan outlines what could be done with the land which was primarily Park & Recreation. The recommendations that were put forth in the study did not include anything that was not already in the master plan. A housing unit was considered at one point in time, but after a few public hearings and seeing that the towns’ people highly objected and it was quickly rejected. Currently, there is no residential use permitted in the FFH master plan. Fairfield Hills Authority came to P&Z commission and asked them to specifically remove residential use on the property. P&Z stated that the review committee elaborated on that there was less support for commercial development and more support for town usage. P&Z believe should be some open space designation as well and poised to present soon. Mr.Motyka mentioned that there are other ways to market the buildings to more commercial developers, and suggested to the EDC that offering a building for $1 then the contractor picks up a bond for the price of taking the building down and rebuilding the new structure.
Margaret Oliger brought up the two properties in Hawleyville that have been in discussion that are zone M-2. On the right side of the street is zoned M-2A, and the left side is currently zoned residential. It was present that the Church has discussed multi-unit housing and whether or not the zoning permitted use. P&Z stated that it is within the guidelines, but just not feasible especially due to the sewer situation. Mr. Gersten brought up the two story nurses quarters and how they would be a nice conversion and whether housing is an option on the campus. P&Z states that there was a strong public opposition on the housing concept presented in the study and various meetings, but a limited amount of residential use is not completely ruled out. The framed houses and the duplexes were considered an option of converting to residential since the buildings are structurally sound and would not require much to fix up. Most of the asbestos has also been removed from the buildings, but Liz Stocker is waiting on another grant to remove the asbestos from the remaining buildings. There has been discussion about having a builder come in and renovate all the structurally sound duplexes and town houses then after completed offering them to town employees. Had businesses that were willing to come in and make headquarters but were unsure about the certainty of the surrounding buildings and what type of business that would bring in and what the outcome would be. Kevin’s Community Center also inquired about some of the buildings. An artisan complex was brought up. It was also brought up relocating the police, fireman, ambulance, etc. where the old nurse’s quarters are located and making it an emergency center. Drawing up a proposal and submitting it to a group who is interested at looking at the whole project with the expansion. Approvals will most likely need to be sought by the state since the area is a very dangerous section, and a traffic light would need to be put in along with other precautions. P&Z suggested the commission check about approvals before marketing to certain companies before initiating. The new revised POCD needs to be reviewed by all parties. One issue brought up was the signage problem, and not being able to advertise to business in order to draw in economic growth and development. The defense for what is considered blithe or not is a town ordinance, and comes down to safety issues and hazards which may cause harm or damage.  Commercial properties may also go to the Zoning Board of Appeal is order to get a variance on certain things that may not be approved by the town and comply with ordinances. Preliminary hearings may also be conducted with the P&Z Commission to see whether or not the plans comply, and if they will be able to get approved plans to be able to move forward with a specific project in mind.
Reports: NA
Priorities Discussion- Don Sharpe: Mr. Sharpe submitted the revised list of the EDC commissioner areas
of oversight, and what each individual is responsible for and supposed to part take in. A proposal is also
in the stages of being approved to take on an Economic Development Coordinator to formulate rules,
guidelines, invoices & bills, etc. Mr. Gersten mentioned how Elana Bertram drew up a draft on the MJG
project to establish an LLC, and Mr. Gersten made the appropriate revisions and has presented it to the
board tonight. Mr. Gersten also contacted Bob Tate about identifying the parcels of land which have
unknown owners and are not being taxes in order to pick them up for town purposes and open space
designation. Mr. Sharpe stressed that the Hawleyville sewers are priority and it needs to be established
on how the project will be paid for and managed. A position paper needs to be written up regarding the
information regarding the Hawlyville Sewers which can be presented at the next meeting. Mr. Gersten
volunteered, and said he will write up the position paper. The priorities for the EDC regarding exit 9
and FFH is making it a multiuse area for real economic development. Mr. Sharpe suggested a position
paper be drawn up establishing what the commissions stance is regarding sewer installment in the
Hawleyville area which Walter Motyka volunteered to do. Mr. Motyka stated how a cost analysis should
be conducted on what the sewer cost would be, and what the expense would be for a potential buyer.  
Suggested having a pumping station where the lines feed into, and determining a price per square foot
Per lot to give a potential buyer an estimated cost if the company bought the property and needed to tie
into the sewer lines. Mr. Gersten brought up that the town does not have the money in the budget to
cover the cost of installing a sewer line, and that the town should find a company willing to do the whole
job which roughly a cost of about $4-5 million and then allocate as development comes in.  Also, needs
to be flexible enough to allow mixed uses to be able to support the sewer system and utilize the land. In
addition, have the surrounding businesses hook up the sewer system as well and then assess them the
cost like the town did when they installed the sewer system in the borough. A Hawleyville master plan
and sewer development is crucial in the economic growth of the Hawleyville area. The master plan does
not imply that the property owner has to follow recommendations that it is just a suggestions as to the
best use, and would potentially provide help with developing given property. The draft should also
included the sewer plan cost projection and cost recovery plan.

EDC Road Map: Mr. Moyka is currently working on the project.

Small Business Workshops- Margaret Oliger: Regarding the business incubator; Liz Stocker, Gene, and
Margaret went to Sacred Heart and met with the MBA students, and received a phone call today that a
team of students selected the towns project to take a look at which Margaret has a couple requests for
that needs to be addressed. The mediation of Newtown Hall could be a starting point. Team is
also looking for the raw data from the study conducted in the town. A twelve week project with a team
five individuals which is time sensitive piece. As far as workshops go and making them known to the
public should do a press release to get them out into the public. Mr. Sharpe will look into the specifics of
advertising and press release of the business workshop ads. Could also post the ad on the Patch and
with local newspapers such as The Voices but specific deadlines to submit to be printed in a timely
fashion. Margaret Oliger makes a motion to put some small ads in newspaper for small workshops in
The Newtown Bee and the Voices. Mr. Sharpe noted that he would take care of submitting the ads in
order for them to be released with enough time to get good feedback from the public. Also, important
to make a note that the workshops are free to attend.

Brownfield Updates- Elana Bertram: NA

New Business: NA

Executive Session: NA

Adjournment: Margaret Oliger made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:47pm and unanimously

Mindy Kovack, Clerk